
Biology 320 – Evolutionary Biology

University of Miami – Spring 2022, 3.0 credits

Website: http://www.duckdna.org/evolution/

Contact information

Kevin G. McCracken
188 Cox Science Center (1st Floor, North Side)
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33146
email: kevin.g.mccracken@gmail.com

Location & time of lecture:

Tue & Thu 9:40-10:55 AM, Cox 217

Office hours:

Tue 4:00-5:00 PM outside my Cox 188 office, or by appointment.

Frequently asked questions:

What are the learning objectives?

How is the course structured?

Are there prerequisites for this course?

When are the exam dates?

IMPORTANT---What is the attendance requirement?

When is the last day to add/drop a class?

How are office hours handled this year?

Why might some of the lectures be online and others face to face?

Which books do I need to buy?

Additional web resources?

How will I be graded in this course?

What is the make-up exam policy?

Can I receive an incomplete at the end of the semester?

What will happen if I cheat or plagiarize?

How am I protected from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation?

How may I get a recommendation letter?

Lectures (pptx)DateOutlinksChapter (Emlen & Zimmer)
1. What is Evolution? 18 JanFour Billion Years of Evolution in Six Minutes – by Prosanta Chakrabarty2
2. History of Evolutionary Thinking20 JanEvolution at the Molecular and Planetary Scale: A Tale of Two Biologies – by Sean B. Carroll2
3. Evidence for Evolution25 Jan2
4. First Life27 JanFirst Life – 1 of 23
5. History of Life on Earth 11 FebFirst Life – 2 of 23
6. History of Life on Earth 23 Feb3
7. Phylogeny & Systematics 18 Feb4
8. Phylogeny & Systematics 210 FebMarkov Chains4
Exam 1Due Mon 21 Feb
9. Mutation & Drift15 FebWhy genetic research must be more diverse5, 6
10. Effective Population Size17 Feb6
11. Inbreeding22 FebHabsburg Dynasty Family Tree6
12. Population Subdivision24 Feb6
13. Recombination & Linkage Disequilibrium01 MarWhat is linkage disequilibrium?6
14. Migration/Gene Flow03 Mar6
15. Natural Selection 108 Mar7
16. Natural Selection 222 Mar7
17. Neutral Theory24 Mar7
Exam 2Due Thu
31 Mar
18. Sex & Sexual Selection29 Mar11
19. Biodiversity & Biogeography31 Mar14
20. Speciation 15 Apr12
21. Speciation 27 Apr12
22. Macroevolution12 Apr14
23. NO CLASS14 Apr
24. Coevolution & Cospeciation19 Apr15
25. Evo-Devo21 Apr
26. Behavioral Evolution26 Apr16
27. NO CLASS28 Apr
Exam 3Due
Tue 10 May