Evolution & Biodiversity

Biology 160 – Evolution & Biodiversity (Biology II)

University of Miami – Fall 2024, 4.0 credits

Website: https://www.duckdna.org/evolution_biodiversity/

Recent updates:

This class is in person Tue & Thu at 2:00-3:15 PM in Whitten LC 170.

Office hours are Tue 4:30-5:30 at my office in Cox 188. If you require another time or online venue, please make an appointment.

Workshop is every Thu at 3:30-4:45 pm. Your workshop leader has provided you with the meeting details for your group.

Contact information:

Kevin G. McCracken
188 Cox Science Center (1st Floor, North Side)
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33146
email: kevin.g.mccracken@gmail.com

Location & time of lecture:

Tue & Thu 2:00-3:15 PM, Whitten LC 170


Thu 3:30-4:45 PM, details to follow

Requires copy of:

The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin’s Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World and Us (2017) Richard O. Prum. 1st Edition. Anchor. New York. ISBN-13: 978-0385537216

Office hours:

Thu 4:30-5:30 PM at my Cox 188 office, or by appointment.

New course requirement:

In addition to completing the traditional coursework involving lectures, exams, and readings --- each student must view during the semester at least five of the following documentaries available on Netflix or elsewhere.

Chasing Ice - 2012
A Plastic Ocean - 2016
Before the Flood - 2016
Chasing Coral - 2017
Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story - 2018
Our Planet - 2019
A Life on Our Planet - 2020
Brave Blue World - 2020
Seaspiracy - 2021
Breaking Boundaries - 2021
Burning - 2021
1. What is Evolution?20 Aug22
2. History of Evolutionary Thinking27 Aug22
3. Evidence for Evolution29 Aug22
4. First Life03 Sep25
5. History of Life on Earth 105 Sep25
6. History of Life on Earth 210 Sep25
Exam 1 (#1-6) writtenTBAReview Questions
7. Mutation & Drift12 Sep23
8. Effective Population Size17 Sep23
9. Population Subdivision 119 Sep23
10. Population Subdivision 224 Sep23
11. Migration/Gene Flow26 Sep23
12. Natural Selection 101 Oct23
13. Natural Selection 203 Oct23
14. Inbreeding08 Oct23
15. Human Population Genetics10 Oct23
Exam 2 (#7-15) multiple choiceTBAReview Questions
16. Phylogeny & Systematics 117 Oct26
17. Phylogeny & Systematics 222 Oct26
18. Interactions & Conflict24 Oct23
19. Speciation 129 Oct24
20. Speciation 231 Oct24
Exam 3 (#16-20) writtenTBA
21. Introduction to Ecology05 Nov52
22. Climates & Biomes07 Nov52
23. Population Ecology 1life_table12 Nov53
24. Population Ecology 214 Nov53
25. Community Ecology 119 Nov54
26. Community Ecology 221 Nov54
27. Ecosystem Ecology03 Dec55
Exam 4 (#21-27) multiple choiceTBA

Frequently asked questions:

What are the learning objectives?

How is the course structured?

Are there prerequisites for this course?

When are the exam dates?

When is the last day to add/drop a class?

How are office hours handled this year?

What is the requirement for the peer-led workshop?

Which books do I need to buy?

Is additional web content available?

How will I be graded in this course?

What is the make-up exam policy?

Can I receive an incomplete at the end of the semester?

What will happen if I cheat or plagiarize?

How am I protected from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation?

How may I get a recommendation letter?